beach essentials · travel

Summer 2015 Beach Essentials

In light of it being Memorial Day Weekend, and the unofficial start of summer, I wanted to share my go-to beach essentials for summer 2015! Have a happy & healthy Memorial Day! Enjoy the extra day off to relax and don't forget to stop and think about the true meaning of this holiday & those… Continue reading Summer 2015 Beach Essentials

eco friendly · fashion · yoga

Yoga Clothing Inspiration

So it may seem kind of random to title this "Yoga Clothing Inspiration" or you may be wondering how clothing can inspire me to practice yoga, it's simple.. when I wear the right clothing while exercising and practicing yoga, I'm comfortable, relaxed and motived to work harder & for a longer period of time. I'm… Continue reading Yoga Clothing Inspiration

coffee review

Nespresso VertuoLine + 2 Coffee Recipes

Nespresso has delivered breakthrough coffee technology for decades and the VertuoLine machine is definitely no exception. I've used everything from a Gaggia espresso machine, a Keurig single serve brewer to a french press, and this is  BY FAR the best, most versatile, easiest to use machine on the market. They have a huge variety of… Continue reading Nespresso VertuoLine + 2 Coffee Recipes

natural skincare

3 Simple DIY Honey Face Masks

After recommending a few skincare products in my last post, I also want to share a few DIY face mask recipes. These are all really simple using 3 ingredients or less which you most likely already have at home and will fit in any budget. The main ingredient in each mask is honey because I'm obsessed and use it every… Continue reading 3 Simple DIY Honey Face Masks